Old Age Syndrome

Old Age Counselling Center In Hyderabad

In Our Culture ageing is seen as a negative event. Even the word old has a pejorative or disapproval sound, and people of advanced years are now being called as senior citizens, golden agers, elderly persons, Persons in the harvest years or Twilight years or simply elders. The Newest and perhaps most creative-euphemism for old people is chronologically gifted.

Gerontologists who study the aged and the ageing process note that many 70 years olds act and think as 50 year old tenor twenty years ago. The young old would include the majority of older people those who, regardless of their actual age are vital, vigorous, and active. The old are those who deteriorated rapidly due to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, or neurological diseases that may or may not accompany aging .

Taking care about individual variations are observed in the process of aging because of physical and psychological factors.

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How can we help you?

At our expertise counselling services are best Counselling services in Hyderabad. We offer Child individual and Family Counselling Services

It is very useful to old age people to protect their feelings and avoid Loneliness of their living area.

The criteria young children's  use in judging  and adult's is in Terms of Physical appearance and activities, as old people have white hair and no longer go to work.  

No Need Longer Sessions. We Offer Home Visits by weekly to take care about their needs.